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They introduced the Little owl Kubysha to the owl HZ.
It was written on the box that Kubysha was a coward. Anastasia wrote to me that her Kubysha lived in the company of three Boreal owls, he was always afraid of everyone and hid.
According to my personal observations, Little owls do not show aggression towards Boreal owls. But Little owls are very aggressive towards each other. And they just hate the Scops owls.
HZ kicked the Kubysha when he moved in with HZ. But Kubysha did not bother at all, and broke into HZ properly. And then he caught up and broke in again.
In general, they are still fighting.
These are fights not to crush and eat, but to divide the territory. They pull each other's feathers.
I blunted everyone's claws and beaks so that they wouldn't pinch each other too much.
We are watching, waiting.
#owlhouse #littleowl #evilowl