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How many zoologists do we need to saw down Yolka? It's a word play in Russian: 'yolka' means conifer tree.
Attention! You might feel sorry for the owl while watching the video!
She DOESN'T EXPERIENCE ANY PAIN when her beak is being trimmed. She is gently swaddled and trimming the beak feels to birds like cutting and filing nails for humans, only the 'nail' is growing out of the birds face.
Yolls' screeching is an expression of her anger and outrage because of getting caught and immobilized. Most of all I was afraid of overheating her and tried to finish everything as quickly as possible.
My hands are hurt, but the owl is O.K.
This routine was much needed because a dangerous crack has appeared on a side of Yolls' overgrown beak. The bird might get traumatized because of it.
For everyone who wants a cute Eagle Owl as a pet: you need to know how to trim a beak correctly and be ready to do it. Owning a big bird is a great responsibility and brings big problems, too.
Half an hour after the filing was executed Yoll has taken her dinner and went to bristle and eat outside. She's completely fine, her mood and behavior are normal.