Рет қаралды 38,251
Povilika ( lat.Cūscuta) is a genus of parasitic plants of the Convolvulus family, all species of which are classified as quarantine weeds (from Wikipedia).
If you Google the pictures, what the Cūscuta is capable of, it becomes very disturbing.
Which is strange, I've seen her in our meadows before. But then she did not give the impression of something dangerous for plants. Well, it sits on stalks, well, it curls. But it never spread like a suffocating carpet. And her threads were reddish in color.
And now it appeared with yellowish threads, and now they form a solid stuffy carpet covering other plants.
I tried to mow everything down. The Cūscuta is an annual plant, but it gives thousands of seeds, which, as they say, can be stored in the ground for many years. But I will try not to let the twig bloom, so that no new seeds appear.
#owlhouse #mygarden #parasite