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When a bird of prey began to eat on the glove without hesitation, without paying attention to the surrounding stimuli, it is not necessary to delay with the beginning of training to jump and fly on the glove.
The most difficult thing will be the first voluntary step of the bird on your hand. Then it will be easier and simpler for the bird.
I recommend that all classes be held on the street at once, without wasting time on the premises.
From the moment of the first lesson, when the bird steps on the hand, the path to active long-distance flights begins.
And an exciting game of "who will train whom" begins. Because hawks are not fools at all. Birds of prey are not stupid at all. Fools don't survive with them. In order to hunt successfully without spending more energy on hunting than a hawk will get by eating prey, you need to be able to strategize, tactics, and analyze whether the potential prey is worth the cost of the bird's forces. That is why grouse birds do not chase sparrows that have nothing to eat, or do not attack deer that they cannot overcome.
That is why it is more profitable for a hawk that you approach him with food, and not for him to fly to you. Females understand this especially well. Therefore, the hawk will begin to train you to approach him with food. And this is absolutely impossible to allow.
Here is another main rule: do not shorten the distance. That is, if today a hawk jumped into your hand from one meter, then tomorrow it should jump from one and a half, from two meters, but in no case from fifty centimeters.
And if the hawk does not want to jump to you from the distance that you consider optimal for today's lesson, then the hawk does not want to eat. Send it to the additive without feeding. This will be discussed in detail later.
#hawk #falconry #owlhouse