Рет қаралды 28,722
When I take pictures of unpacking plants ordered from different stores and nurseries and sent by mail, there will always be several comments where people are outraged at my indignation at receiving low-quality goods.
"And what did you want, it's a cat in a bag! So get it!"
"Why order by mail at all, go to the garden store and buy!"
Well, so I go and buy. Only most often the most popular ordinary plants are sold there, and what is needed from rare or unusual is not to be found.
For example, Jeffersonia is dubious. Or the same piracantha. Varietal hazelnuts of specific varieties without re-grading from the breeder. Mountain ash dodong, which I spent half the winter looking for and catching in catalogs. Rare varieties of hellebores. And a lot more.
Undoubtedly, you can buy a lot of things on sale sites, which is what I do. But you can't do without ordering in nurseries from far away.
Twenty fir trees came to me in general wholesale from the Urals by mail.
And here is one example of decent quality of plants and packaging from Burdock @user-yc2by5pt2y. A very nice package with purchases.
And our potatoes are experimental maintenance-free. I put it on the ground under the hay and that's it. But the main thing here is that there is a lot of hay. We've had it there since last year.
#owlhouse #unboxing #owl