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Elena and Alexander Gatilov channel / zoologovo
Elena Mekhova is a hydrobiologist, an employee of the Institute, who is unknown whether it is possible to name.
Alexander Gatilov, a leading zoologist of the Moscow zoo
Probably, everyone has heard about the ecological disaster with the death of water inhabitants off the coast of Kamchatka. Elena, along with other specialists, was quickly gathered together by the military and conducted a joint investigation into the causes of the disaster and its scale. This data has already been published, and reports and reports are available.
This is a comment from Alexander Gatilov:
In fact, if you dig a little, it turns out that this is not the first case (similar situations were in Kamchatka at least in 68, 73, 74 years-but then there was no instagram for Dudya and cameras in smartphones for surfers), and back in 1999, real scientists even defended their dissertation on this topic, there in Kamchatka. You can even request a paper original dissertation to make sure that it is not a modern fake.
Here is a book published in 1995, where everything is simply and briefly described:
Konovalova, G. V. "Red tides" in Eastern Kamchatka: Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky : Kamshat, 1995. - 56 p.: ill. - Appendix: p. 50-52.
And here is a monograph of 1998, by the same author, if you want details, including how these algae determine why it is not so easy and what to do with the poison:
Konovalova G. V. Dinoflagellates (Dinophyta) of the far Eastern seas of Russia and adjacent waters of the Pacific ocean:
Dissertation in the network is available only for money, on a bunch of sites:
Konovalova G. V. Dinophytic algae of the far Eastern seas of Russia and adjacent waters of the Pacific ocean: Dis. ... Doct. Biol. Sciences. Vladivostok: DVGU. 1999.- 385 p.
And here is her abstract, free of charge:
For those who are too lazy to read:
there are poisoning associated with the accumulation in the body of fish, shellfish, crabs and algae toxins dinoflaggelyat