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These are the main frequently asked questions about owl Yoll and the answers to them.
1. - Yoll - Eurasian Eagle owl (lat. Bubo Bubo)
2. How old is Yoll, what height, size, weight?
Yoll was born on may 1, 2014. Weight 3.2 kg, height in standard sitting position-55 cm, wingspan approximately 180 cm
3. how many years do Eagle owls live?
Approximately 40-60 years, with the perfect spherical environment in a vacuum.
4. What does the name "Yoll" mean? Does it respond to its own name?
"Yoll" (Ёль) in the language of the Komi people means "Forest river, stream".
She knows that's her name. But she reacts, rather, to my voice and intonation, since communication with me is necessary for her. She ignores other people.
5. Where Yoll lives?
In an apartment in Moscow, Russia, goes out of town to the aviary and the attic of a village house.
6. How and when did I get a Yoll? Why did I start it?
I took the Yoll in mid-may 2014 at the age of two weeks from the nursery where it was born. Her parents were also born in a nursery. Yoll Has nothing to do with the wild, it has never been there.
Yoll was taken to help in the work of scaring birds from the airfield. In particular, to scare off a flock of jackdaws that spent the night in the hangar. Also, I really wanted to study and work with the domestication and socialization of the Eagle owl. I have been preparing for this mentally and financially for 5 years. When a friend's cattery had an owlet, which they offered to take away for me or were going to put up for sale, I took it under the contract for work and education. Since I succeeded, the bird was left to me for good.
7. can the Yoll fly?
She can, but she doesn't like it.
8. does the Tree Feel love and affection for me?
"No, it doesn't. Owls have no concept of "love". They have the instinct of reproduction. If an owl wants to breed, it pairs with another owl. The pair of owls are permanent. Yoll does not want to breed with me, so we just live in the same biotope on equal terms. She tries to expel strangers from the apartment and is very indignant when they appear on her territory.
To me, she is loyal and friendly, does not show aggression.
9. The Yoll refers to other animals at home?
"She doesn't care about them if they don't cross her comfort zone." It doesn't try to kill or eat anyone. But the instincts of the hunter are always there, so I do not allow simultaneous free presence in the same room of the Yoll And other birds that may carelessly fly to she.
10. That Yoll eats?
Rats, quails, day-old chickens, mice, and other rodents. The food is grown on farms and in vivariums specifically for feeding predators. Stored in the freezer, owl are given after defrosting.
These are the main questions that we were able to immediately remember and answer. You can ask more questions in the comments.
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