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Victor talks about Batrachospermum. This is not a curse, it is a popular science magazine that you can follow in Vkontakte. batrach...
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"Batrakhospermum is an entertaining mutant magazine about nature and science for curious and good people in general, who love to read... The author and editor of the magazine specializes in the popularization of knowledge THROUGH TEXTS and pays special attention to HOW they are written and designed, and puts energy, time and soul into them... In this public you will also find digests of entertaining scientific news, selections of amazing discoveries from the animal world, competitions of cool fossil novelties, unweathered photographs with unexpected signatures, excerpts from fresh non-fiction books, including English ones, in our exclusive translation... This is what Batrachospermum is! And not about sex and not about sperm! (Although sometimes it happens, because sex is part of biology.)
Batrachospermum - your little and strange green little friend. "(C)